
Expert workshop #1

Posted on the 30 May 2018 by Paula Kellett
Listening to: Marine experts / Medical experts

SOPHIE members gathered in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland in April, to take part in the first of two expert workshops.

Over the course of two intensive sessions, the Expert Group will provide input and guidance to the development of a Strategic Research Agenda for Oceans and Human Health research in Europe.

In their first meeting, the group discussed the core themes which should be included in a final research agenda and to ensure agreement on the scope of the project, explored the definitions of three key terms:

  • Research
  • Human Health
  • Ocean

They considered how oceans and human health research priorities are likely to change over time, and formulated broad research questions which would need to be answered.

The Expert Group discuss the future of oceans and health research

The group also considered the types of EU-wide ocean and health policies already in place and how these filter down to national level. They noted that marine policy tends to be set a European level, whilst health policies are often dictated on a national scale.

Dr Paula Kellett, Science Officer at the European Marine Board, ran the session and said:

We’re really fortunate to have a dedicated set of experts to help us steer the SOPHIE project. These discussions will be important in shaping the research we undertake over the next couple of years, and vital to compiling an effective research agenda.”

You can read more about the expert workshop here.


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