Seas, Oceans & Public Health in Europe
Learn more about this projectThe SOPHIE Strategic Research Agenda outlines the research needed to answer fundamental questions in the field of Oceans and Human Health. It describes how evidence should be provided to policy makers and suggests how oceans and health literacy can be improved in Europe and beyond.
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The Strategic Research Agenda outlines a roadmap to boost Oceans and Human Health research capacity in Europe. It will promote public health, protect regional seas and safeguard the global ocean.
Our vision for food from the oceans is for fish and seafood to be healthy, nutritious, safe and accessible to all, while ensuring sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture.
Improved individual and community physical and mental health and well-being through enhanced interactions with healthy blue spaces that are sustainably managed.
Targeting approaches to the use of marine biodiversity in disease prevention while preserving marine ecosystems.
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Enabling collaboration
Given its complexity, the development of OHH research will require transdisciplinary and trans-sector collaborations across many stakeholder groups.
Several priorities and overarching recommendations emerge from this Strategic Research Agenda in relation to research.
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How will we know that it worked?
All goals should be measurable and achievable. Multiple outcomes will indicate attainment of the required OHH research capacity in Europe.