People, Health and the Ocean Webinar
Join us online as we launch the Strategic Research Agenda for Oceans and Human Health. Listen in to find out what research needs to be prioritised to inform policies and practices across Europe, focused on three action areas:
- Sustainable seafood and healthy people
- Blue spaces, tourism and well-being
- Marine biodiversity, biotechnology and medicine
International expert speakers include:
- Prof Lora Fleming, University of Exeter and SOPHIE Project coordinator
- Dr Sam Dupont, Advisory board member/Expert Group, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor at University of Gothenburg
- Prof Katja Philippart, Advisory board member/Expert Group Senior Scientist at Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
- Prof Michael Depledge CBE, Chair Advisory board/Expert Group and Prof Emeritus University of Exeter
*Times below in CEST*
2:50 – 3:00: Log in (Go To Meeting)
3:00 – 3:05: Introduction
3:05 – 3:20: Launch Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)
3:20 – 3:55: Interactive discussion, guided by the following questions:
- What should be the next steps to take the SRA forward?
- How can findings in the SRA integrate into existing policies and projects?
- Who should be informed about the SRA?
3:55 – 4:00: Closing remarks
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